Welcome to the Rise Above Chaos online program, where I'm here to assist overwhelmed busy professionals in cutting through the whirlwind of life, allowing you to rise above chaos, discover significance, and embrace peace.

Does this resonate with you?

·     You've ticked off all the boxes in life.

·     You've achieved major milestones like getting your degree, establishing a career, and starting a family.

·     Yet, despite these accomplishments, you feel a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction.

·     You're frustrated, bored, and maybe even angry.

·     You find yourself slipping into destructive habits.

·     If any of these feelings sound familiar, you know it's time for a change. But where do you begin?

That's where I come in.

I'm not just offering guidance because I hold some fancy degree. I've been exactly where you are. I checked all the boxes but lacked purpose and vision, losing my passion for life along the way. My family, my work – we all deserved better. So, I embarked on a 15-year journey to reclaim what I'd lost. Through this journey, I developed a framework that helped me rediscover my passion, redefine my purpose, and summon the courage to take action.

And now, I want to share this framework with you. I'm here to teach you how to apply it in your own life so that you can not only survive but thrive in every aspect – whether it's work, family, or community.

The time to start is now!

I'm thrilled you're here, and I'm eager to guide you through the five principles to discover significance and live in peace. The Rise Above Chaos course is based on my bestselling book, "Rise Above Chaos – The Five Principles to Discover Significance and Live in Peace," drawing from my own journey of overcoming rock bottom in 2005.

This course delves into the book's concepts, providing 21 modules and four bonus modules filled with specific tools and actions tailored to equip you to apply these principles in your life.

Once you register and log in, I'll lead you through a three-phase process:

Phase I – Mastering Human Dynamics and Nonverbal Communication:

Discover your significance by understanding the importance of healthy relationships and leveraging human dynamics to navigate daily life effectively.

Phase II – The Rise Above Chaos Method:

Step-by-step, I'll teach you a process with real action items and tools to rediscover your "why" and align with a purpose-driven life. You'll confront your negative inner voice, or what I call the Beast, and learn a seven-part daily habit system to tame it and find your path above the chaos.

Phase III – The Activation Workshop:

Join me in a live session to activate everything you've learned and tailor the Rise Above Chaos system to your unique circumstances. This isn't a one-size-fits-all program; it's meant to be customized to meet your needs and equip you with the right tools and systems for your journey.

You have two choices:

1. Continue with your current life:

·     Drift and miss out on valuable opportunities.

·     Remain stuck in boredom and frustration.

·     Fall into destructive patterns.

·     Let that lifestyle define your legacy.

·     Wake up each day exhausted and fearful.


2. Discover your significant life:

·     Live with passion and purpose.

·     Feel empowered to pursue your best life.

·     Wake up energized, excited, and hopeful.

·     Be at peace knowing your life matters.

·     The choice is yours, and I'd love to be your guide. Let's embark on this path to significance together.

Let's get started!

Course Curriculum

  Course Welcome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 1 - Mastering Human Dynamics & The Art of Nonverbal Communication
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 2 - The Rise Above Chaos Method
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 3 - The Activation Workshop
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Summary
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Section
Available in days
days after you enroll

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